Start the Internet Speed Test by clicking the red Start speed test under the dials. The Broadband Speed Test will start measuring your Broadband's download speed and then your upload speed. You will also see your Ping time in milliseconds – the smaller the better. Find out more
When you use our tool, we'll use your IP address to run the speed test. We'll store this data anonymously, in accordance with our privacy notice, to help with our campaigning work. Once you have your results, we'll ask if you'd like to provide an email address to send your results to. Internet speed test Measure the speed of your Internet connection. Choose the speed plan you are subscribed to: 300 Mbps or lower. 500 Mbps or higher. megabit (Mb) or megabit per second (Mbps, Mb/s), with a small or lowercase ‘b’ — a unit used for download speeds advertised by ISPs and reported by on-line tools, equal to 1000 2 bits (b). People often incorrectly assume that a speed of 1 Mbps will allow them to download 1 MB in 1 second. All internet service provider use the term Mbps to mention their speed, while most applications show MBps/KBps to indicate the download speed. People often get confused in between MB(Mega BYTE) and Mb(Mega bit) and ISPs take advantage of this fact by mentioning all the speeds in Mbps. 1MBps = 8Mbps 1MB = 8Mb 1KB = 8Kb - See speed test results from other users. - Compare your components to the current market leaders. - Explore your best upgrade options with a virtual PC build. - Compare your in-game FPS to other users with your hardware. - Share your opinion by voting. The speed is generally shown in megabits per second. The speed tends to fluctuate, ranging from 20Mbps 450Mbps if the computer is connected to a wireless n (802.11n) network, and can get as high
SEND FEEDBACK SEND FEEDBACK ABOUT SPEED TEST. Speed test. Speed to: Stanford. 0 M. 25 M. 100 M. 250 M. 1000 M. 0 Mbps. Click button to begin. PING: DOWNLOAD. UPLOAD
Start the Internet Speed Test by clicking the red Start speed test under the dials. The Broadband Speed Test will start measuring your Broadband's download speed and then your upload speed. You will also see your Ping time in milliseconds – the smaller the better. Find out more
These speed tests are powered by M-Labs, which is the speed test database integrated into BroadbandNow and Google search results. Averages shown tend to be lower than real-world experience, since users often run speed tests to diagnose WiFi issues.
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