Apr 30, 2012

While it's still important to try and head off viruses before they hit you, it's also important to have a worst-case-scenario plan to fall back on should disaster strike. A Matter of Timing Some hackers program viruses to sit dormant on a victim's computer only to unleash an attack on a specific date. Below are the 10 worst computer viruses that were ever made. 10. MyDoom. This computer worm is definitely up to its name. With the ability to email itself from infected computers, MyDoom was one of the fastest-spreading computer worms ever. Oct 02, 2016 · From taking your files ransom to foiling uranium enrichment, here are five more computer viruses that you really want to avoid. Hosted by: Hank Green ----- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Since lot of viruses were very bad in a lot of different ways, it’s hard to pick out which one were objectively the worst computer virus. But with that in mind, here are 5 of those extra destructive and worst computer virus of all time. These are snippet of codes that changed the way people thought about computer security, both the people

Aug 14, 2014

List of 5 Worst Computer Viruses and Worms in the History

The 5 Worst Computer Viruses

Science Top 10 most dangerous viruses in the world. Bird flu, Ebola and Zika - there seems to be news on a new dangerous virus almost every day. But so far, experts are saying that Zika itself isn Humans have been fighting viruses throughout history. Here are the 12 viruses that are the world's worst killers, based on their mortality rates, or the sheer numbers of people they have killed.